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글자색 변경 화이트 블랙 문자 크기 변경 Language 日本語 English 繁體字 한국어 비에이를 알자 5분 만에 알 수 있는 비에이 봄 여름 가을 겨울 역사 가고싶은곳찿기 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 지도 길찾기 테마로 검색하기 청의호수 언덕을 둘러보기 비에이밀을 사용한 음식점 우천시 관광지 벚꽃 명소 이벤트 관광명소일람 비에이에 가는 방법・관광하는 방법 버스로 관광하기 도는방법 액세스 체험・신착 정보 인증가이드 프로그램 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 신착 정보 신착 정보 여행사・미디어용 정보 여행사・교통사업자 여러분께 미디어 관계의 여러분에게 관광협회에 대해서 개인 정보 보호 정책 면책사항 문의하기 자주 묻는 질문 팜플렛 문의하기 문의하기 글자색 변경 화이트 블랙 문자 크기 변경 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 벚꽃 명소 아! 꽃놀이를 하고 싶지만, 3월, 4월은 힘들다... '벚꽃'이라고 하면 대부분 3월 말~4월 초에 피는 예쁜 분홍색 꽃을 떠올리지 않습니까! 하지만 벚꽃 구경은 매우 인기가 많으며, 특히 혼슈의 벚꽃 명소는 매우 혼잡합니다. 사람이 너무 많아 아름다운 벚꽃을 감상하기 힘들다.... 게다가 그 시기는 공휴일이 적기 때문에 직장인들에게는 휴가를 내기 어려운 시기이기도 하다. 이럴 때는 홋카이도에서의 벚꽃놀이를 추천합니다♡! 비에이초 관광협회 > 관광명소일람 > 벚꽃 명소 Signal of Spring &#8211; Ezoyamazakura (Cherry Blossom) In Honshu, cherry blossoms bloom around March, but in Hokkaido, where temperatures are cooler and there is more snow, the best time to see the blossoms is about a month later, in late April or early May. It is easy to take a vacation just in time for Golden Week! Cherry blossoms in Hokkaido are different from those in Honshu! The color of the petals is also slightly different. The color of the petals is also slightly different. Most of the species that bloom in Honshu are the famous Someiyoshino. However, the species that blooms here in Hokkaido is the &#8220;Ezo-Yamazakura&#8221; variety! As you can probably tell from its name, it is a member of the wild yamazakura family. Someiyoshino is a cultivated variety created by man, and if you look at the wild Ezo-Yamazakura in Hokkaido, Was this what cherry blossoms looked like in the past? You can imagine. In fact, there is a spot in Biei-cho where you can view the beautiful Ezo-yamazakura cherry blossoms, and we would like to introduce it to you. Ikoigomori Park Ikoigomori Park, the site of the cherry blossom festival in Biei! Access to Ikoigomori Park is convenient, and can be reached by car, bicycle, or on foot from Biei Station, so it is a recommended Biei cherry blossom spot where you can enjoy cherry blossoms in a short and easy way!  Click here for digital map ▲Climbing up to the observatory, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Biei city area. ▲During the Cherry Blossom Festival, visitors can view the cherry blossoms lit up in the Ikoigomori Observation Park! ▲You can see the Four Seasons Tower in the distance. Please dress warmly as it is chilly at night. Seongdae Dam Park Seidai Dam, located near Biei, is one of the dams in Biei Town. The dam is surrounded by a row of Ezo Yamazakura trees, with their branches hanging grandly toward the surface of the water. Many Biei residents feel that this Seidai Dam is the best hanami spot in Biei! The cherry blossom petals that flutter above the river and the backdrop of the Tokachi Mountain Range make for an impressive and spectacular view! Click here for digital map Seidai Dam, located near Biei, is one of the dams in Biei Town.The dam is surrounded by a row of Ezo Yamazakura trees, their branches hanging grandly toward the water&#8217;s surface.Many Biei residents feel that this Seidai Dam is the best hanami spot in Biei!With cherry petals flickering above the river and the backdrop of the Tokachi Mountain range, it is an inspiring and spectacular view! Cherry blossoms and the sound of water&#8230;it&#8217;s like a scene from a tanka poem. Biei River The Biei River flows from its source in the Tokachi Mountain range to the city of Biei.With its natural blue color, it is nicknamed &#8220;Blue River&#8221; by the people of Biei! Biei River flowing under JR Furano Line, Blue River A promenade along the river leads to the Shirokane area.And as you approach Maruyama Park on the boardwalk, you will encounter a line of Ezo Yamazakura trees! There are also cherry trees in Biei Maruyama Park. Cherry blossom spots are not limited to the city and hills of Biei. Slowly, the cherry blossom front heads toward Shirogane Onsen. One cherry tree on the grounds of Roadside Station Viei &#8220;Shirogane Birke By the time summer comes, though, the tourist flower gardens in Biei-cho will be filled with flowers all over, First, say goodbye to the long winter and look for the Ezo Yamazakura to welcome spring! Now, in Japan, there is a culture of viewing cherry blossoms when they are in bloom. In fact, enjoying a picnic while viewing cherry blossoms, or with friends and family. It is common for people to gather together to enjoy themselves over drinks, but even if the cherry blossoms are not in bloom, such events are sometimes called or referred to as &#8220;hanami wo tsukimasu&#8221; (cherry blossom viewing). In Hokkaido, it is sometimes used in the spring when everyone wants to enjoy Genghis Khan together. Recently, however, this event has become much less common, If your neighbors in Hokkaido say to you, &#8220;We&#8217;re having a cherry blossom viewing party today, so come on over!&#8221; Please don&#8217;t be surprised if your neighbors in Hokkaido say, &#8220;We&#8217;re going to see cherry blossoms today! 홋카이도카미카와군비에이초모토마치1쵸메2-14시키노정보관안내소 전화:(81)166-92-4378 비에이를 알자 5분 만에 알 수 있는 비에이 봄 여름 가을 겨울 역사 가고싶은곳찿기 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 지도 길찾기 테마로 검색하기 청의호수 언덕을 둘러보기 비에이밀을 사용한 음식점 우천시 관광지 벚꽃 명소 이벤트 관광명소일람 비에이에 가는 방법・관광하는 방법 버스로 관광하기 도는방법 액세스 체험・신착 정보 인증가이드 프로그램 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 신착일람 여행사・미디어용 정보 여행사・교통사업자 여러분께 미디어 관계의 여러분에게 관광협회에 대해서 개인 정보 보호 정책 면책사항 お問い合せ 자주 묻는 질문 팜플렛 문의하기 © 2024 一般社団法人 美瑛町観光協会


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